Career: Myself

Results 41-50 from 185,085 articles

Career Change to Education

T.A. asks from Boston

I was wondering if there were many Mom's out there that have made a career change after working in the corporate world for 20 years and gone back to school and became...


What's the Reality of a Nursing Career?

P.G. asks from Dallas

I'm a social person, I like to help people, and my husband, who is in med school, thinks that nursing would be a good career for me. He wants me to have a career that...


Thinking of Starting a Teaching Career?

E.B. asks from Beaumont

I've been a SAHM for 12 years now. I am an official "retiree" at another job (I'm 52) that I stand a GOOD chance of losing or having my pension/benefits reduced by t...


Paralegal/legal Assistant Career

L.A. asks from Dallas

Gosh, I'm tired, so I'll be keeping this short & simple (hopefully.) I am now considering the paralegal career. I'm an observant kind of person & love researching thi...


Career Choices Affecting Kids....

N.G. asks from Dallas

Husband quit a job that was depressing him (seriously I almost put him in the damn hospital after two mental breakdowns of some sort), and has been unemployed for ove...


Looking for a Job

G.T. asks from Boston

OK, I did a post yesterday about possible divorcing my husband and I realize that I need my own income. I work part time but it is not nearly enough to cover the bill...


Considering Career Change

S.M. asks from Dallas

I have already written here about our money problems and how I am thinking that either my husband or I need to get a second job. Well, I have been thinking a LOT abou...


Advancing in Career vs Motherhood

A.B. asks from Naples

It's a long story, but basically, thanks to the economy and my timing in earning a degree I am in a position I am way overqualified for. For a while it really bothere...


Career Counseling

L.D. asks from Dallas

Hello! My husband is 42 and has worked in restaurants all of his life. He currently owns his own restaurant, but does not make any money. He needs to start a new care...


Career Crossroads - SO Conflicted...

T.M. asks from Tampa

I was just approached at work about my interest and the possiblity of taking a Divison level position in my company in my area of expertise. The other two locations ...