Career: LeapPad

Results 61-70 from 107 articles

Leapster-type Device for 3-Yr Old

K.C. asks from Norfolk

I am looking for a Leapster-type device for my 3-yr old. He is fascinated with my 5-yr old nephew's Leapster Explorer, but it is far too advanced for him. My sister...


Question About Leapfrog or Other Learning Toys

A.D. asks from Dallas

Does anyone own any leapfrog toys for their kids, and if so, have they been at all useful? We want to get more learning toys for our daughter, but are sick of buying...


Laptops for Almost 2 and 3.5 Year Olds

C.G. asks from Boston

I have seen different types of "computer" type of toys for my little ones. But I am wondering if anyone has any recommendations on what is a good buy for a 22 month ...


My Daughter's First Christmas

N.L. asks from Chicago

This Christmas will be my daughter's first. She'll be almost 10 months old when the day arrives, and my husband and I are trying to figure out some gifts for her. ...


Gift Ideas

L.M. asks from Minneapolis

Hi Moms! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! My In-Laws are requesting some gift ideas for my 2 1/2 year old and almost 1 year old boys. I have no idea where to begin, especially for ...


TV Time

S.B. asks from Dallas

My 21 month old son has now been introduced to Nemo (thanks to Nana's Christmas gift) and he goes around the house saying Nemo, Nemo, TV, Nemo. He can also run to the...


Seeking Mom's with Advice on Potty Training My 3 Year Old

Z.D. asks from Washington DC

Hello All, I am seeking some advice on potty training my three year old. He is so smart. He can quote Bible verses-to telling me "no" when I ask him to do something...


How Do You Manage Screen Time for Your Kids?

J.R. asks from Seattle

I have a 3-yr-old son and 7-mo-old daughter. We try hard to limit screen time (DVD's, iPhone, iPad, computer) in our house, but my son will often whine about "needing...


How Old Was Your Child When You Bought the Ipod Touch?

G.♣. asks from Springfield

I would really like to know how old you think is old enough. I know there are many things to consider, but I'd be curious to hear how old your child was and what fac...


What Are Your Kids Requesting for Christmas Presents?

K.S. asks from Detroit

What are your kids requesting for Christmas presents? It's nice to hear what kids are thinking about. My kid wants a SECOND train! And colored clay!