Career: 24 Hour

Results 21-30 from 1,589 articles

What to Do When He's Sick & I Have to Work?

K.L. asks from Columbia

What do you do when he's had a fever in the night, better in the morning, but still can't go to the sitter for 24 hours and your stuck and can't get off work?


Relationship Overhaul- Share Chores / Go Back to Work / Me Time

J.S. asks from Pocatello

Ok my marriage has three areas I am stressing out about. First of all, is it normal for a husband to only help with dishes like twice a month? I don't like to push an...


How Am I Supposed to Make This Work?!

R.D. asks from Richmond

Since I'm job hunting for the first time in, oh, FOREVER, I'm hung up on one dilemma: MY KIDS. The girls get on the bus at 8:30, they're home by 4pm. Obviously...


Sahms Do You Work on the Weekends?

L.L. asks from Topeka

Mom's that stay home with their kiddos do you did you or just thinking about finding a paying job to go to for the weekends?Just to feel that your doing something & m...


How Flexible Is Your Work Schedule

A.S. asks from Dallas

As a working mom I sometimes have to juggle my work schedule with my home schedule and make it work out. I'm the office manager for a small business and I'm required...


Legit Work at Home?

V.C. asks from Dallas

Is anyone familiar with this company? They posted a work at home position on Craigs list that I responded to. A few days later I got a repl...


Work from Home

A.V. asks from Kansas City

I'm a SAHM of 3 who also watches a friends child during the day. I'd like to have a mindless part-time job I can do in the evening. I don't want to sell anything, mor...


Finding Daycare Open Till 10Pm

B. asks from Dallas

late night or 24 hour daycare for a 3 yr old boy.addison or lbj and greenville area


Heading Back to work...questions About Pumping

J.P. asks from New York

I want the absolute best for my baby, as every mother does I know. I have been exclusively breastfeeding for the last month and on demand. I plan on returning to my...


What Is a "Normal" Amount of Breasmilk to Pump During Work?

B.R. asks from Des Moines

Okay, so this is probably a useless question as there are so many variants -- amount of time at work, whether pumps work well for you, etc. -- but I'm curious about h...