Car Rides & Road Trips: Chicco

Results 41-50 from 111 articles

1St Family Vacation with an 19 Month Old

S.N. asks from Dallas

We’re taking our 1st family vacation in September to the Philippines for 2 weeks to visit family and I was hoping to get some advice/tips on traveling with a toddle...


Recommendations About Various Baby Gear Products

C.T. asks from Dallas

I'm looking for opinions about best strollers, carriers, car seats. I am pretty much clueless. Light weight seems good to me, but I don't even know if that's an iss...


Easy Umbrella Stroller?

K.B. asks from Boston

Hi Moms - we are going on vaca with the family in a few weeks and I am wondering if anyone can recommend a good, but not too expensive umbrella stroller? This is the...


Stroller for Taking on Plane/travel?

R.Z. asks from Philadelphia

A lot of people talk about taking their strollers on planes only to have them damaged by the airlines. So, my husband and I are thinking of buying a "cheap but good" ...


Double Stroller; Which One to Buy?

L.F. asks from Boca Raton

Hi, I need advice on what kind of double stroller to buy. They are pretty expensive and it is an investment and I want to make sure I have researched it and made the...


Outgrowing an Infant Carrier at 6-Months

M.M. asks from New York

Hello Moms, My son is quite big for his age: he just turned 6-months and weighs 21 lbs! I am in need of a new car seat. I was looking at the Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 t...


Would like Suggestions for Traveling Cross Country by Plane with 9 Month Old

B.J. asks from Washington DC

Hello Ladies, Long time reader, 1st time requester (and very excited to read the responses). Next month we will be taking my 8 month old daughter from Baltimore to L...


Lightweight Stroller Advice

M.C. asks from Detroit

Hey Moms, I need advice on a decent lightweight stroller. I have carpal tunnel syndrome and it hurts terribly when I pick up my Graco stroller. Plus, it's bulky ...


Looking for a Good Lightweight Stroller to Travel With

J.L. asks from New York

I am looking for feedback about strollers. We are going to Aruba in April and my husband is insisting we buy a smaller stroller for the trip. Our daughter is 2 and ...


Which "Travel System" to Purchase for My Newborn?

A.J. asks from Dallas

I did go to Babies R Us and try out the Eddie Bauer Travel System-Preston. I wanted to find out which brand you would recommend. I want something that is EASY to put ...