Bringing Baby Home: Infant, Meijer

15 articles

Help with a Underweight 2 Year Old..

E.C. asks from New York

Hi, my son just turned 2 and he is only 23 lbs. We have been dealing with his slow weight gain since he was about 18 month, Our pediatrician did blood work and sent h...


Cradle Cap

A.K. asks from Detroit

Does anyone have suggestions on what to do for cradle cap? We had been using a liquid that's called Cradle Cap Care. However it doesn't seem to do anything and it rea...


Inspiration Needed

M.B. asks from Milwaukee

HELP...I need some words of inspiration. My husaband and I have been trying for #2 for over a year, with the exception of a few months. My beautiful son was totally...


Help! Help! Help!

T.N. asks from Detroit

I am at my wits end! I have twin boys 17mo old. They were born at 30 weeks. Nathan my youngest but biggest is doing good and catching up to his true age. We have some...


7 Year Old with Migraines

A.D. asks from Cincinnati

My 7 year old was recently diagnosed with migraines. She has all the classic signs of migraines(the same as I have....light sensitivity, intense pain, seeing spots)....