Bottles Accessories: Myself, Nuby

Results 21-30 from 313 articles

Help Weaning from Bottle

S.J. asks from Austin

I have a 18 month old son who is still on the bottle and eats baby food from a jar. I can't seem to get him to take a sippy cup or eat table food. I'm not really sur...


Best Nipples for Baby Refusing Bottle

L.G. asks from Chicago

Hello - I know that every baby is different, but just looking for suggestions in bottles/nipples that some of you may have used and had success with breastfed infants...


Getting Baby off the Bottle

G.M. asks from Tampa

I have been told over and over that my daughter should be cut off from the bottle at a year...Well maybe it is my fault, but I just couldn't say "Happy Birthday, no m...


5 Month Old Does Not Accept Bottle

S.G. asks from Seattle

Hi All, My nearly 5 month old son exclusively breastfed till 3 months. After that i have been trying getting him onto bottle with no success so far. Have tried lot...


Bottle Nipples Affected by Cascade Dish Soap

S.I. asks from Chicago

Has anyone else ever experienced washing their Born Free (or any other BPA free bottle) nipple in the dishwasher, as directed only to find that the dish washing soap ...


Getting My 1 Year off the Bottle

L.P. asks from Dallas

My son just turned 1 last week. I would like to start weening him off the bottle as much as possilbe. For the last three days he hasn't had a bottle until night time....


Baby Won't Take a Bottle

J.R. asks from Grand Rapids

Help! My two month old daughter is exclusively breastfed and absolutely will not take a bottle. I pump a bottle fresh and try to make sure she is truly hungry when ...


Bottle to Sippy Cup to Cup?

L.L. asks from Los Angeles

My son is 12 months and 3 weeks... he still is very attached to his bottle has it at least 3-4 times a day especially before naps. He drinks water out of sippy cups,...


Getting Rid of the Bottle

N.K. asks from Cleveland

Anyone have any suggestions of getting rid of the bottle. My son will not drink out of a cup, only a bottle. He is 15 months old and everytime he drinks out of a cu...


She Wont Take a Bottle from Me or Her Dad!!

J.R. asks from Boston

I have a 3 month old baby girl who is breastfed and I've been trying to get her to take a bottle since she was 4 weeks old. Thats when I was told its the best time to...