Books & Resources: Teen

Results 1-10 from 346 articles

Potty Training

D.L. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, I want to officially start potty training my 2 year old daughter. She's already shown interest in going to the potty and has peed in the potty a few time...


Potty Training

R.K. asks from Bakersfield

I have a 23 moths old daughter that I'm having troble with potty training. I have tried the candy everything you use the potty..... It did not work. I have tried the ...


Potty Training

J.B. asks from Omaha

I have a soon to be 3yr od son. I'm having trouble potty training him. He is my first child and I'm just not sure how I should go about potty training him. He know...


Potty Training

M.H. asks from Harrisburg

So lately I've been noticing that when I go to the bathroom my 15 month old daughter follows me there, and she'll go poo or pee in her diaper. Since she seems to be s...


Potty Training

J.R. asks from Honolulu

I have two daughters, one will be 3,( not 2, sorry) in May, the other 3 in July (yep, due to prematurity, that makes them 9mos 3wks 5days apart, LOL) I have been...


Potty Training

V.K. asks from Sacramento

Ok I am officially done with diapers and pull ups. I have done cloth diapers and disposibles depending on how stressful my life was at the time and regardless I am d...


Potty Training

L.K. asks from Los Angeles

My son is 4 years old and we are still potty training. He's been in underwear for about a year. He still has accidents daily. From just a little to just flat out p...


Potty Training Book

K.L. asks from Chicago

Hi! Anyone have a recommendation for a potty training book they loved? I'm home for the summer with my 2 1/2 year old, so it seems a good time to give it a go... ...


Potty Training

K.M. asks from Boston

Hi, I am just looking for some suggestions on potty training my three year old son. He turned three February 10th. Sometimes he will sit on the potty and go and oth...


Potty Training

A.R. asks from Providence

Okay. I know that I am not alone in this...I just need to hear from other Mamas about your experiences, how-to's and what not. My son is 39 months old, is in a fant...