Baby Names: Medela

Results 1-10 from 52 articles

What Is Your Favorite Bottle for Breastfed Baby?

S.S. asks from Sioux City

Hello! My husband and I are getting prepared for our baby who is due in July. I am planning on breastfeeding him as much as possible but, need to have some bottles ...


Opions of Bottles for New Baby

K.P. asks from Phoenix

I am looking at buying starter kit bottles for when i have my son. I will be pumping & giving him the milk in a bottle. I a just wonder what bottles you would recom...


Unhappy Baby Boy

R.M. asks from Portland

So, i am at my wits end here. Hope someone can help me out. I have a 10 week old boy who spits up a lot after every feed. I have tried different nipples, my breast...


Comparing Breast Pumps

M.T. asks from Dallas

I had a Medela with my second daughter and loved it. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of letting a friend of my sister use it and I never got it back. But even if ...


How Much Should I Expect to Pump?

M.S. asks from Phoenix

I have a 5 1/2 month old son and have been exclusively breastfeeding but he has hardly ever used a bottle, he gets his milk directly from me. I will be working part t...


Safe Soap

M.F. asks from Denver

What is a good safe soap to use on baby bottles and breast pump parts. We don't have a dishwasher.


My 2-Month-old Seems to Prefer One Breast over the Other

C.F. asks from Spartanburg

The past couple of weeks, my baby has not been wanting to eat from my right breast. I can't figure out why. It just started out of nowhere. Do you have any suggest...


HELP...Lots Of questions...low Milk Production

G.N. asks from Dallas

Hi Mom's - I'm trying to breast feed my 2nd child (2 weeks old tomorrow) didn't have luck first go around, not enough milk. I seem to be having the same productio...


Breast Pumps, the Affordable Care Act and the Big Bad Wolf (Er, Insurance Co)

C.T. asks from New York

Fight may be nearing the end. Heard today that they are granting an "exception" and the associate who called took down the information for the one local "In-Network" ...


Any Good Breast Pumps?

K.S. asks from Chicago

I'm having my first child in april and I'm wondering what kind of breast pump to get. I plan to return back to work after the baby is born. There's so many different ...