Vinegar: Child

Results 51-60 from 3,013 articles

Removing Stinky Smells from Clothes

J.D. asks from Cincinnati

How to I get pee smells out of clothes? No harsh chemicals if possible We are night time potty training and theres been a lot of accidents. I am sure Baking Soda...


Does Anybody Else Have a Child with Allergies/skin Allergies?

E.S. asks from Tyler

Hey Moms! I need some help! My daughter is 5 and has awful allergies. She is allergic to cats, peanuts, grass, pollen, etc.... Her allergies give her severe excema...



C.S. asks from Houston

I'm nursing and can't seem to get rid of thrush. I'm on my 2nd round of diflucan, have nystatin cream, vinegar wash... baby is on nystatin and shows no symptoms. Any ...


Washing Diapers

T.S. asks from San Antonio

Help!! I'm having issues with my cloth diapers. I looked up washing methods on several websites but my diapers are not doing so great. The diapers are pilling up &...


How Do You Stop the Whining?

R.D. asks from Jackson

My son is starting to enter the whining stage and he does it ALL the time. Not just when he wants something. He knows how to sign a few words and say a few words, b...


How to Get the Throw up Smell Out of a Car Seat

S.C. asks from Dallas

My daughter threw up in her car seat last week. I have tried everything that I know of to get the throw up smell out of the car seat cover & have not been successful...


Child Constantly Chewing on Fingers

T.B. asks from Dayton

I have a 5 year old son who constantly has his fingers in his mouth. I feel like a broken record always telling him to get his fingers out of his mouth. He mainly doe...


Alternatives to Fabric Softener?

C.D. asks from Detroit

I've stopped using fabric softener sheets, because of all the chemicals and whatnot. Is there anything I can do to my laundry so it doesn't come out of the dryer all...


Single Pot Coffee Maker/like Kurig How to Make Cocoa Not Taste like Coffee

M.L. asks from Cleveland

I hate the taste of coffee, Hubs got a Hamiliton beach single pot coffee maker for Christmas that he uses daily for his coffee, He thought he was being nice and...


Stinky Dishwasher

Y.M. asks from Iowa City

We have a portable dishwasher. My youngest child pushed the start button after I had washed a load of dishes and after I had disconnected the water. The dishwasher...