Tooth Fairy: Toddler

Results 71-80 from 820 articles

Looking for Fun Tooth-fairy-type Traditions

S.W. asks from Salt Lake City

Hi-- I have a son who just turned six. He has his first loose tooth. After realizing it's not a tragedy (he was initially pretty worried) he is enjoying wiggling his ...


Loose Tooth

V.T. asks from Dallas

My son, who is 6 1/2, finally has his first loose tooth! It's been loose now for about 2 wks and I don't think it's gotten much looser, definitely not ready to come ...


Tooth Fairy, Santa, Easter Bunny, Etc...

A.C. asks from Sacramento

Hello Mamas! My 9 year old daughter just lost another tooth. She scurried off to put it in her Tooth Fairy Pillow and write a letter. My husband wants to go in h...


Anything Special for First Lost Tooth???

C.W. asks from Dallas

Hi! I am just wondering if anyone did anything special when their kiddos lost their first tooth? My 5yo daughter just discovered tonight that one of hers is loose -...


My 4 Year Old Just Lost Her First Tooth! Isn't This a Little Young?

J.V. asks from Tucson

I found out today from my mother in law, who picked my daughter up from preschool today, that she lost a tooth while eating a cupcake! She will be 5 on November 14th....


Big Tooth Growing in Behind Baby Teeth

S.B. asks from Los Angeles

I just discovered a big tooth growing in behind my 5 year old's bottom baby teeth. I have read both that the baby teeth should be pulled, and also that the big tooth...


Permanent Tooth Coming in Behind Baby Tooth

C.C. asks from Denver

Hi all! I just noticed tonight that my son's first permanent tooth is growing in behind his baby tooth. His baby tooth is loose but not really loose. My son doesnt ...


Tooth Fairy Pillow

L.W. asks from Chicago

My oldest son is losing his first tooth! I remember using a cute little tooth fairy pillow as a kid and it had a pocket in the front for the tooth. I found a couple...


Adult Tooth Coming in Behind Baby Tooth

S.A. asks from Milwaukee

Hi, posted a question not too long ago about my daughter having a loose tooth. She's only 4 and 1/2. After she brushes her teeth, I always brush them as well to make ...


Loose Tooth Ideas

A.H. asks from Toledo

My oldest daught just figured out that her first tooth is loose. My husband and I are looking into tradition ideas that do not involve the "tooth fairy". We firmly ...