Starting Out: Target

Results 71-80 from 1,223 articles

Weight Loss Help

H.D. asks from Dallas

Okay, mommas. I am starting to get frustrated. I want to start trying to have another baby after Christmas. I had some complications with my first pregnancy with my b...


Looking for Quick Workout After Baby

K.S. asks from Detroit

I'm looking for a good workout dvd that hopefully someone can recommend that they did postpregnancy. Of course, finding time to work out is tough with a newborn, my ...


My Son Just Turned 5Months I Need to Know the Best Toys to Get Him

M.K. asks from Dallas

my son is very active and wakes up very early i would like to buy him toys any advice.he has a swing and a bouncer which he hates dearly


Age to Stop Carrying Kids...

K.G. asks from Boca Raton

Hi Moms, Just curious, what age do you stop picking up and carrying your kids around? Example: your at Target and your child wants to be held instead of walking.....


Wii Fit: Is It Worth It?

E. asks from Dayton

So we finally got a Wii and I am interested in getting Wii Fit. I was wndering if any of you have one and if so, what do you like and not like about it? Is it legit...


Exercising at Night After the Kids Go to Bed

T.S. asks from Boston

Hi! I am a working mom , married with two small children taking care of every day tasks, cooking dinner, laundry, etc. You all know the routine :-) Typically my day s...


Acne on Back and Chest

T.H. asks from Topeka

Hi Moms! I recently started a new exercise regimen. I started running. I can't believe I have stuck with it this long. Before I always joked that I wouldn't run unles...


Weight Gain During Pregnancy

A.D. asks from San Antonio

Hello all. I am a new soon-to-be mom at 21 weeks along. I have gained approximately 13 pounds with the goal of gaining no more than 30 throughout the pregnancy. I fee...


Middle Age and Getting into Better Shape

P.G. asks from Dallas

Approaching 50 and not happy with my body. I've started cutting down on soda, working towards cutting it out. Watching carbs. I need to exercise more and am going to ...


Frustrated...counting And Alphabet Learning

M.G. asks from Philadelphia

I am sooo frustrated with my son who will be 5 in October. I feel like I don't know what he knows as far as his numbers, alphabet, etc. He never counts 1-10 without...