Stages & Milestones: Moby Wrap

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67 answers

Getting Depressed Wondering If I'll Be Able to Handle My Child...

I am so worn out, and I don't know if it's because my 13 week old daughter is completely "normal" in her behavior, or if she already has a "challenging" personality. I always heard from friends that the first 3 or 4 months of life were the hardest, but my mom and MIL both make comments such as "she really knows what she wants" and "she's going to be hard to discipline once she gets to that age" which really worries me. Some of the reasons our parents have been a little negative are that our baby - suddenly started refusing bottles when...

Eating Solid Foods & Weaning

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10 answers

Looking for a Light Weight Airy (If Thats a Word) Baby Wrap...

I'm hoping some moms will have some suggestions...I currently have a Moby wrap that my 8.5mth old son LOVES. It is the only thing he will now fall asleep in. There is just way too much stuff going on so they only way I finally get him to doze off is to tuck his head in and cover the eyes...within minutes he's out. The problem is that he is such a HOT baby that he sweats like there is no tomorrow, even this winter I had him down to a onesie and I just had a T-shirt or very lightweight long-sleeved shirt on. I was hoping to find a similar...


I Want My Boobs Back

I have been nursing my son for 4 months. When I decided to breastfeed I...


How Do I Wean?

How do I wean my 11 mos old that will not eat other foods? She'll eat foods...