Solid Foods & Weaning: Infant, Nuby

Results 31-40 from 592 articles

Weaning from Bottle to Sippy Cup

L.W. asks from San Diego

Hello mamas, I was wondering if anyone had any great tips or advice for weaning a 1-year-old from bottle to sippy cup. My little guy is 11 mos old & has a formula b...


Weaning off the Bottle and Milk/formula

C.C. asks from Austin

Hi all, My baby will be one year old next week. I am planning to stop pumping the day after her 1st birthday. I will continue to nurse as she asks for it. I nee...


What Do I Need to Do to Start to Wean My 11 Month Old?

C.F. asks from Salt Lake City

I had always planned on nursing mmy baby until he turned a year old and now I can't believe the time has come. Right now I nurse him 5-6 times a day and inbetween I ...


Need to Wean 12-Month Old That REFUSES Everything Else!

D.P. asks from Chicago

I need to wean my son and I am getting so desperate. I have tried for the last three months to gently introduce bottles and/or sippy cups of many different varieties...


Need Advice on Weaning My Child

K.D. asks from Provo

This is my second child, but nursing has been oh so different. Now I am interested in weaning and I am not sure how to go about it. My son eats solids for breakfast, ...


Weaning a 12 Month Old Breastfed Baby

K. asks from Kansas City

I am in the process of weaning my 12 month old breastfed son. I am really finding it difficult to wean him from his early morning and before bed feedings. He will n...


Weaning 10-Month-Old from Bottles

H.S. asks from Cleveland

My son will be 10 months old next week. Currently I have him on 3 bottles a day (along with 3 solid food meals a day). Here is his current schedule: 7:30/8:00 a....


Bottle Weaning.

T.W. asks from Fort Smith

Hello. Im a first time mother and I have a little boy who is 14 months old. I was wondering when everyone weaned their children off of their bottles, how you did i...


Tips for Weaning off Breastfeeding Quickly

A.M. asks from New York

You are always so helpful with my little requests - so I thought I'd turn to you again. This is a big one. My daughter will be one on Sunday (can't believe how fast...


Help, Trying to Wean to Sippy Cup with Soy Milk

K.H. asks from Dayton

My one year old daughter is allergic to milk, and we have been trying to wean her on soy milk for a month. She will take juice and water out of a sippy cup but not mi...