Solid Foods & Weaning: Infant, Nuby

Results 11-20 from 592 articles

Tips on Weaning

M.B. asks from Green Bay

Just looking for any tips on weaning my 13 month old. She uses nursing a lot for comfort and we're just trying to cut back a little bit on the feedings. Thanks!


How to Wean Baby from Bottle

M.T. asks from Springfield

My son just turned a year at the beginning of August. Right now, he only drinks from the bottle at his first feeding and his 6 p.m. feeding. His doctor said that he...


How to Wean from Bottle to Cup

A.E. asks from San Francisco

My daughter is almost 7 months old and I'd like to wean her off the bottle and onto a sippy cup. She just started eating baby food and is barely taking her rice cere...


Weaning from Bottle

S.C. asks from Scranton

My son is 1 year old and was a breastfeeding baby up until 11 months old. We supplemented with formula, which was given in a bottle. Now at 1 year old, I want to be...


How to Wean My One Year Old

L.P. asks from Raleigh

I am seeking advice on how to wean my one year old daughter. I have been offering her a sippy cup for months now and she takes a small sip a couple times a day and t...


Ideas on Weaning?

A.W. asks from Denver

I know I can contact La Leche League or read a book but I have found that this site and the wisdom that comes from Moms out there is always valuable. I have a 11 mon...


Question About Weaning

V.W. asks from Hartford

I have been nursing my daughter up until now, about 3x/day and she gets 1 bottle (of frozen breastmilk) during the day while I'm at work. She has lost all interest i...


Weaning from Bottles...

M.B. asks from Oklahoma City

My son is 9 and a half months old, and at his 9 month check up the doctor said to get him off of the bottle. I have given him sippee cups, but he's not buying it. Eve...


Weaning from Bottle

S.E. asks from Philadelphia

Hello Ladies, How old was your child when you started to wean him/her from the bottle? I have been told by my pediatrician to stop giving my almost 15-month old son...


Weaning Bottle

T.M. asks from Houston

Hi moms, I need some son is 12 1/2 months and currently still on SOY formula...I started a couple of oz. of whole milk b/c he had an allergy early on to da...