Solid Foods & Weaning: Infant, Nuby

Results 21-30 from 592 articles


L.B. asks from Lakeland

I know I am not the first mom to experience that my son will not take a bottle.. Now that I have tried to wean I am nervous that he will be nursing till he is 30... T...

7 Can I Wean My Son from Breastfeeding

R. asks from Detroit

I am ready to wean my 1 year old son (15 month old). I have not had much success. Please any advice.



T.E. asks from Phoenix

My daughter is exclusivley breastfed and has NEVER taken a bottle. She is now 11 1/2 months old and I really want to wean her by her birthday. She will drink a very t...



N.M. asks from Omaha

My daughter is 11 months old. My goal is to have her off the bottle at her first birthday. She was doing ok with a silicone spout but then she got sick with Hand, F...


Needing to Wean One Year Old from Breastfeeding!!

R.M. asks from Austin

My daughter turned one in January. She would never take a bottle and is just now starting to truly drink from a sippy cup. I had her down to four breastfeedings a day...


Need to Advice How to Begin to Wean Son off Bottle.

Y.S. asks from El Paso

My son LOVES his bottle. I try to give him his sippy and he'll only take maybe an ounce at the most and begins to cry for his bottle if he even sees it in his sight....


Help Weaning from Bottle

S.J. asks from Austin

I have a 18 month old son who is still on the bottle and eats baby food from a jar. I can't seem to get him to take a sippy cup or eat table food. I'm not really sur...


How Do You Wean Your Baby off Beastmilk

L.S. asks from New York

Hi Moms, I had a goal to breastfeed my daughter till she was 1. Well, I did it without ever giving her anything but breastmilk. She will be 1 at the end of the month...


Night weaning...part 2

J.W. asks from Pueblo

I have recently started the fun job of night weaning. I would like to wean my son before he's two in December. For the most part, I can get him to go to sleep without...


Weaning- No Idea What to Expect from a Non Bottle Taking Baby

H.X. asks from Los Angeles

my 7 month old has not taken a bottle in 5 months. As you can imagine, I'm pretty tied down as I can not leave my lovely little ball and chain for more than two- thr...