Selective Use: Older Child

Results 61-70 from 533 articles

Potty Training

L.D. asks from Tampa

My son is almost two and a half and is not potty trained. He shows interest in using the potty to pee every now and then, but is not consistent in the least. Also, ...


Potty Training

T.R. asks from Janesville-Beloit

Help! My son is 2 and half and shows all the signs of being ready to potty train. For example when he has a dirty diaper, he will go get another diaper, bring it to...


Potty Training

T.L. asks from Rochester

Help! I'm at my witts end with Potty Training. My 2 1/2 year daughter will go poop on the potty but she won't pee. She hates pull-ups and diapers and lately only w...


Potty Training

R.P. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter will be 3 in march and I have been working on potty training her for a while now! At the begining of age 2 she was more then willing to sit on the toilet ...


Potty Training

R.D. asks from Washington DC

I am having the hardest time potty training my 2 1/2 yr old daughter. I always ask her if she has to go- sometimes she will but most of the time I have to force her t...


Potty Training

C.B. asks from Chicago

We started potty training our almost 3 year old 2 weeks ago. Within a couple days he had going potty in the toilet down, with only a couple accidents since. He will...


Potty Training

E.G. asks from Springfield

need some advice on potty training a 3yr girl. she goes when i put her on the potty, but when we ask her she will say no. but will end up going in her pull up.


Potty Training?

H.D. asks from Dallas

Hi, moms! This is kind of long but I am very anxious about this. This is for those of you with little ones you've recently potty trained. My son is 22 mo. and my pedi...


Potty Training

J.P. asks from Albuquerque

I have a soon to be 3 year old little girl. My problem is that I can't get her to potty train. I have tried regular pull ups, rewards, specail charts, special activit...


Potty Training

K.M. asks from Houston

I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter that I'm trying to get potty trained before my baby comes in April. We have been putting her on the potty for about a year now, here ...