School Bus: Target

Results 51-60 from 329 articles

Getting 5Th Grader Ready for School Play

G.K. asks from San Francisco

The play is next week, and the pressure is on. We need double-stick skin tape for her character, the lion's, facial mane. She would like like fake nails for two per...


Having Trouble Getting Along with Other Moms in My Neighborhood

J.E. asks from Chicago

I was hoping someone could help me get though this tough time I am having with some women in my neighborhood. Many of the women are negative, snotty, do not understa...


My Son and a Neighbor Boy Can't Get Along

R.W. asks from Minneapolis

My son just recently turned 7 and this is his first year riding the school bus. It's been a great experience for him as he's made several friends in the neighborhood ...


Did I Overreact in Calling the Police? Anything More I Should Do?

L.S. asks from Dallas

Yesterday evening (Thursday), my 11 year old daughter informed me of an incident that occurred on Tuesday morning as she was waiting for the school bus. She said ano...


How Much Do You Spend on Teacher Gifts for the Holidays?

V.S. asks from Philadelphia

I know I have seen this question asked before but the most recent one was from 2012. My son is in 1/2 day kindergarten and has a teacher and a teacher's aide/assista...


Kids, Their Activities, and Doing It All...

R.D. asks from Richmond

I'm feeling pretty guilty right now... and lazy. My 7 year old daughter plays soccer, and I HATE having to take her to practices and games... I think if I had a littl...


Changing Schools Frequently

W.R. asks from Dallas

Hi, About 1 1/2 years ago we lost our home to foreclosure. Since it was difficult to lease after that, we went with a company that stages homes. We paid minimal ...


Bed Time for 10 Year Old

A.M. asks from Washington DC

I am the mother of 3 healthy, active children. Recently, my husband and I have been in disagreement about what time my oldest (10 years old) should be allowed to sta...


Was She Taken for a Ride?

☆.A. asks from Pittsburgh

I was talking to my mom today. She told me about something that happened to her while she was shopping. She was at an outdoor plaza type mall, returning something...