Pets with Children: Toddler, Teddy Bears

Results 11-20 from 49 articles

What Do You Think About...

J.S. asks from Dallas

My two year old hates getting in the stroller. When you put him in he screams that he wants to walk. I would love to allow him to walk beside me but he won't do it....


Do You Think This Is Weird? Updated

J.S. asks from Dallas

My BFF and I were out Christmas shopping for our kids. We passed by a kiosk selling pillow pets. She thought they were cute and I commented that I love my pillow pe...


Sleep Sharing

J.H. asks from Washington DC

I have been sleeping in the bed with my 2 3/4 year old since birth (bad idea) and now it is time to move out of there. My being there is hindering her rest now, beca...


Mom Seeking Help with Getting Her Daughter to Sleep and Not Be Afraid

A.S. asks from Chicago

Hello to all and am hoping that someone has a solution to my problem, for I am at my wits end. My 7yr old daughter who is soon to be 8 has a problem with fear and sle...


Need Opinions

D.S. asks from Tulsa

I have a toddler who wont stay in his toddler bed. If I put him to bed he wont leave the room but wont stay in bed either. he tries to get comfy in the floor or goes ...


Why My Daughter Always Holds Her Small Quilt?

J.Z. asks from Los Angeles

My sweetheart just turned three. She ‘s now in preschool and has basically adapted to the life of the preschool. But I think she doesn’t feel safe since she alway...


Scared to Sleep in Own Bed

M.F. asks from Madison

Please don't judge me until you have been there. My 11 year daughter will not sleep in her bed anymore. She's the only child left at home. 1 year ago we stayed in a...


Any Good Rainy Day Activities for Two Year Olds?

S.S. asks from Chicago

Hi! Just looking for any good Rainy day activities for my just turning 2 year old to do to keep him from going stir crazy inside! Any ideas would quite welcomed..Than...


Type of Punishment for 13 Year Old

D.P. asks from Detroit

So our 13 year created his own my space account against our wishes so to speak. he has been begging us for one for a sometime now. We have told him that we didn't a...


No Gift Please Birthdays

L.C. asks from Portland

My daughter's 5th birthday is in March and as I fill out the invites I would like to add the note - 'No gifts please.' Is this a good idea? My child has so much and w...