Patterns & Habits: Carters

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37 answers

10 Week Old Won't Sleep More than 3 Hours at Night

The title says it all. Between pregnancy and this baby, it's been since January that I've not slept for any stretch of time! Here's a general schedule: -- 7PM falls asleep on his own; wakes at 7:30 to eat, then we swaddle him, give him a pacifier (which he loses after 5 minutes); then we let him cry 5-10 minutes and he goes to sleep by 8:00 -- wakes up at 10 or 11, I feed to "top him off", back to sleep, swaddled with paci -- wakes at 2:00, from 2-3 is a battle of putting paci in and he sleeps for 5 minutes, then drops it and screams. ...


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38 answers

Do You Put Your Kids in Comfy Clothes for Nap Time?

My mom called and told me I forgot to put 'nap clothes' in my son's bag this past weekend when my parents were watching the kids, that she had to put him in his pajama's... I was laughing, because all 3 of my kids always just napped in whatever they happened to be wearing at the time, whether it was a sun dress or jeans. But I guess I could see where she was coming from... I'm not going to change what I'm doing since it works, I was just curious if anyone else put their kiddos in comfy clothes just for nap time?


No More Naps?

My just turned 2 year old seems to not be interested in naps anymore. I was...

Sleep Problems

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21 answers

Montessori/Attachment Parenting Sleeping Routines for My 9-Month-old Baby Boy

Hi Ladies, My baby boy is 9 months old, and we’re having some sleep issues. Our situation is a little bit convoluted, so let me explain what’s going on. First off, I’m a trained Montessori teacher, and we’re raising our son “Montessori style,” as I call it. This means that he doesn’t sleep in a crib. We just have a mattress on the floor for him. He’s very mobile, so the whole room is baby proofed to ensure his safety as he explores the room. Our style of parenting has been on the Attachment Parenting end of the...