Nursing Pillow: Infant, Ameda

25 articles

Pumping & Breastfeeding

T.P. asks from Chicago

So, just curious how much milk do most of you get when you pump using an electric pump? I nurse my daughter (who usually only eats for 3-5min on one breast per feed)...


Trouble Latching Correctly.

T.M. asks from Tucson

Hi moms, I am having trouble with my two day old son. He latches on, but he doesn't seem to want to open wide enough for anything other than my nipple and it is real...


Gift Idea's

K.L. asks from Lexington

Ok, so I am having trouble thinking up a small gift idea for my daughter's step-mom. She just gave birth to a little girl and I am wanting to get a present for her. ...


Cracked Nipples

A.D. asks from Washington DC

Hello Moms Sooooo, i asked the question of how to get my milk back earlier... now, i got an electric breast pump and instantly started pumping... The first few minut...


What to Get

S.C. asks from San Francisco

I have no idea what I need and what's the best for my buck. Can any experienced mom out there help me.. Car seat, stroller, best pumps, cribs, I have no idea what e...