Nap & Bedtime: Infant

Results 21-30 from 8,020 articles

Infant Sleep Patterns

C. asks from Charlotte

I don't know which question to ask first. My son has no schedule or natural pattern of sleep what-so-ever. He is 6 weeks old and does not seem to be sleeping well a...



L.H. asks from Spokane

Hi, I'm amother of 3 and my youngest is 13 months. She was a great newborn sleeper and would sleep through the night. She wakes up I swear 4-5 times a night. I still ...


sleep......what Is That?

K.D. asks from Austin

my five week old son started off life sleeping three to four hours a night. and now it seems he is only sleeping an hour and a half to two hours at a time. also, hi...


What Is the Ferber Method?

L.R. asks from Dallas

Hello moms: A friend recommended I read a book by Dr. Richard Ferber to get some ideas on how to get my 9 week old baby to sleep better. I have very little time to...


The Cry Out Method

L.E. asks from St. Louis

Hi, I have a 6 month old little boy and he wakes up every 1 1/2 hr to 2 hrs through the night and wants to nurse. I am very concerned that he isn't getting enough sle...


The Ferber Method

L.M. asks from Nashville

well, I feel I am at my witts end. I am not having any luck with the Ferber method and I'm determined not to give up. I started it with my son when he was 6 months, I...


Infant Sleep Issues

J. asks from Omaha

My little guy just turned 4 months old last week and was an excellent sleeper up until this point(sleeping 10-11hrs straight throught the night)and napping very well ...



P.P. asks from Naples

I am a SAHM of a 6 month old, breastfed baby girl. Her third month of life she slept through the night from 7-6:30, only eating at 10:30 when I would do a "dreamfeed...


Sleep: Cry It Out Method Vs. non-CIO Methods

J.K. asks from Los Angeles

So this is sort of a follow-up to my previous post re night wakings. I'm really torn about using CIO, but I know that it can be effective. There's just so much info...


Cry It Out Method

H.M. asks from Boston

What do people think of the cry it out method? I think it is kind of cruel and have been trying to do the no cry method but, I don't know if it has made ti worse or ...