Munchkin: Tween

Results 11-20 from 42 articles

Book Ideas for My 8 Year Old

G.♣. asks from Springfield

My son has loved the Captain Underpants books and the Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot books (also by Dav Pilkey). I will see if he likes the other books by Dav Pilkey, ...


Finger Food Dilemma

A.H. asks from Dallas

My 9 1/2 month old won't eat finger foods. He puts them in his mouth but then gags. I've tried the little puffs, and the apple wheels and even watermelon. Does any...


Hib Vaccine at 6 Months Given Without the Powder

N.A. asks from Honolulu

My 6-month old son went to the doctor for his 6-month check up and was given a Hib vaccine (along with 2 other shots). He had already received this vaccine at 2 month...


Getting a Child off the Bottle?

A.P. asks from Chicago

Im having a hard time getting my two year old son off the bottle ive been trying on to get him off the bottle for a couple months now and i have tried every sippy cup...


What Ideas for an Under Ten Birthday Party

V.T. asks from Raleigh

I have a friend who just moved to the Triangle who has three children under ten years old who has moved here from England and she wants to know what kind of birthday ...


Problem with Sippy Cups

K.B. asks from Columbus

I am raising my 2 1/2 year old grandsons, my problem is they drink out of Nuby soft spout sippy cups, which are great. The issue I am having is they do not have the v...


How Many of You Have Kept Your 2Yr Old + in Crib?

J.G. asks from Minneapolis

My DD slept with us until my son was born (she was 22 months) and then she slept in a toddler bed next to us. For some reason my son never slept well with us and alwa...


Co-sleeping Experience

C.B. asks from New York

I recently posted a request about my son all of a sudden not sleeping during the day and him waking as soon as I put him down and sometimes even before. I've decided...


How to Stop Using a Nickname

L.L. asks from Hartford

At some point in my son's life we started calling him Goose, lol. I think it started as Silly Goose and just stuck. Only my husband and myself use this nickname for h...


Looking for New Tub for 8 Mo. Old son...any Ideas!?

T.L. asks from Boston

I would like to move my son into the big tub, but I think that he still needs support and I would feel better if he had something soft to land on in the event of a bump.