Mental Health: Baby Bjorn

19 articles

Help! I Have a Child That Wants Be Held All All the Time.

T. asks from Phoenix

I have a 6 months old son that wants to be held all the time. Until about 2 weeks ago when he contracted the stomach flu and was held pretty much all day for 3 days s...


Baby WILL NOT Nap! Help!!

J.R. asks from Kansas City

My daughter is now just shy of 3 months old and WILL NOT nap during the day. The only way she will even remotely sleep is if she is being held or "worn" (sling/baby-...


Help - How to Clean House with a 6 Month Old Who Hates Being Put Down?

T.K. asks from San Francisco

We relocated not long before I got pregnant so have no family or close friends for thousands of miles to help watch him. I was on bedrest for months before the birth ...


Can't Put My Son down Without Him Waking up & Crying... Any Advice?

C.M. asks from San Francisco

Hi, I have a 2 month old son who never stays asleep when we put him down- not in his bassinet downstairs, or his crib upstairs, or even his rocking seat for that mat...


How Did You Stay Sane with Multiple Kids and No Family to Help You?....

G.M. asks from Phoenix

I just had a baby, he's a month old now, and I have a four year old too. I know it's normal to feel overwhelmed, and my husband is great with trying to give me as muc...


Colick and Tummy Troubles

T.E. asks from Greenville

Hi, I have a 9 week old son who has been to the doctor more than I have my entire life. For the first 6 weeks he screamed/cried from 6pm until he feel asleep. His st...


Personal Problems, Make Friends and Feeling Better??

D.R. asks from San Francisco

I have been having a lot of emotional issues in the last few weeks, I love me 7mth old daughter and her dad but lately I feel I have nothing else in the world but the...


Seeking Moms Who Are Primary Breadwinner Yet Also Do the Majority of Childcare

P.R. asks from San Francisco

I will start off by saying I know I am very lucky and therefore would not be surprised to receive some hate mail. But I still have an issue... By virtue mostly of l...


Perfectionist Mother Stops at One - Help

J.M. asks from Washington DC

My son is at the age where people are asking me (and sometimes him!) if Im thinking to have another. Quite frankly I have pretty rigid views of parenting (all inform...