Maalox: Toddler

Results 41-50 from 437 articles

Hand Foot and Mouth- Yowza!

E.O. asks from San Francisco

Hi- looking for some advice. My poor 3 year old son has Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. Realized it Tuesday night and got him into the doctor on Wednesday. He is totally...


Diaper Rash

R.H. asks from Boston

Every once in a while my daughter goes from having perfectly healthy looking skin to having a nasty painful diaper rash in a matter of hours. Yesterday she had a bm, ...


Experience W/ Colic Calm Gripe Water ? Prevacid/Zantac Not Working

G.M. asks from Washington DC

My baby is 5 weeks old and was diagnosed a week ago with reflux (GER) which she's had probably since she was about 3-3.5 weeks old. She cries nonstop all day basical...


Antibiotic Butt Rash on My Toddler

D.S. asks from Columbus

Hi moms, My toddler is on antibiotics for streptroat and because of this, he has developed some diarrea that because it has no smell, it can go undetected. The point...


Toddler Tummy Ache Remedy?

K.J. asks from Orlando

Hello Mommies! Does anyone have a good tummy ache remedy for a toddler? My 19mo old daughter had her first tummy ache tonight at bed time, and I searched all over the...


Mouth Sores?

C.M. asks from St. Louis

Took my 9 month old son to the doctor last Friday convinced he had a third ear infection. NOPE...the doctor said he has MOUTH SORES!! I was really taken aback. I had ...


Hand Foot and Mouth

S.C. asks from Dallas

My son was just diagnosed with Hand Foot and Mouth and I am reaching out to all you moms who have had a child with this. Between the internet and the Dr. and neighbo...


Suggestions for Terrible Diaper Rash

K.C. asks from Dallas

Help! My 12 mo. old son has a TERRIBLE case of diaper rash, and has for several weeks now. I have tried Boudreux's Butt Paste, Triple Paste, Flanders Buttocks Ointmen...


2 Year Old with Herpangitis?? Sores in the Mouth with Fever!!!

A.S. asks from Philadelphia

Oh my gosh I have never had to deal with this before. On saturday our daughter who just turned 2 developed a fever and was very fussy. Well as she was crying I noti...


Serious Case of Diaper Rash & Di

S.F. asks from Los Angeles

I would greatly appreciate anybody out there who has feedback on this issue. I have already been to doctor. My 11month old little boy has had diahrea for 6 days which...