Little Tikes: Child

Results 61-70 from 272 articles

Christmas Present for a 1 Year Old

J.W. asks from Philadelphia

Hi, just wanted to see if anyone had any suggestions for learning / fun toys to get for a 1 year old little boy for Christmas.


Outside Toys for One Year Old

S.V. asks from Baton Rouge

I'm looking for suggestions of safe outside toys that are suitable for a one year old.


Purchasing a Swing Set

L.R. asks from Detroit

My daughter will be 2 in July and we thought about purchasing a swing set for her birthday. My husband is set on getting a medal one. Which I guess is fine beca...


Backyard Toy Recommendations!

J.S. asks from Philadelphia

Hi everyone, I have a 3 month old and a 16 month old. I'm looking to purchase some backyard toys for the kids to enjoy when they are home and when they have their...


Indoor Activity Toys

G.C. asks from Chicago

I have a 4 year old, a 2 year old, and 1 year old twins...I am looking for Christmas presents that can get all their toddler energy out indoors. Any suggestions?


Best Play Kitchen Sets

M.P. asks from Raleigh

My 3yo wants to ask Santa for a play kitchen for Christmas, so Santa is on the hunt. I'd love to hear what you have for your kiddo, how he/she liked it, and how it's ...


Age for First Tricycle

A.G. asks from Dallas

Hello all - My daughter turns two in a couple of weeks and I am thinking about getting her a tricycle but I don't know if she is ready for it or not. Since she i...


Xmas Gift Ideas for 2 and 4 Year Old Girls

S.G. asks from San Antonio

I've already been asked to submit my xmas list to family relatives...I'm kinda blank at the moment and haven't done a good job looking into the new and hip toys...and...


Speaking of Birthday Gifts . . . *ETA

M.6. asks from New York

Racking my brain trying to think of a good gift for my soon to be 1 yr old nephew. I don't have much in the way of contact (brother and I are not close), but we do s...


Recommendations for Push and Ride Toy for One Year Old?

A.M. asks from San Francisco

My son turns one in a couple of weeks and I was hoping to buy him some type of push and ride toy, since he is getting closer to walking. I thought he would enjoy one...