Lactose-Free: Toddler, Nuby

Results 21-30 from 59 articles

4 Month Old Wont Drink Bottles

C.T. asks from Detroit

I have a almost 4 month old. and for a week now, he is having problems with his bottles. he drinks one or two ounces and screams on the bottle. i have to fight to get...


7 Month Old Refusing to Take Bottle at Daycare

L.W. asks from Great Falls

My 7 month old daughter has been in daycare since she was 12 weeks old. During this time she has taken very well to bottle feeding with the breast milk I pump and sa...


Advise on 2 Year Old Tantrums and the Darn Bottle

R.S. asks from Kansas City

My daughter just started displaying this new tantrum technique. She gets very angry, cries, agressively flicks her hands and fingers together and starts to cough and...


Hard Time Switching from Bottle

S.S. asks from Miami

I am a SAHM of 3 boys. My oldest son lives with his dad and was and easy child. My four year old was a little rougher. Here is my dilema. My 2 year old is still t...


How Do I Feed My 1 Year Old Baby?

C.T. asks from Cleveland

Hi, Moms! First, I have to say, I am so glad to have access to this community; I really appreciate all the help you always give me! Second, here goes my problem - I...


1 Year Old and Drinking

K.R. asks from Syracuse

My 13 month old doesn't have a milk allergy but when I give her whole milk she throws up numerous times in a hour. I have been giving her soy milk and she does well w...


Bottle/cup Issues

S.S. asks from Kansas City

I have never heard of anyone having this much of a problem switching to the sippy cup. I can not, for the life of me, get my 15 mo. old to drink out of anything othe...


My Son Won't Drink Milk..

C.S. asks from Salt Lake City

My son just turned 1 about a week ago, and he will not drink milk.. well Chocolate milk he will, and juice, and he used to drink water but now he won't have anything ...


Baby Doesn't like Milk

J.W. asks from Sacramento

My boy is almost a year old and this week I introduced cow's whole milk into his diet. I am trying to wean him and he never had an ounce of formula before. Every time...


Help with Weaning (Milk Allergy)

M.C. asks from San Francisco

I have a 13 month old daughter who has a milk allergy. She is exclusively breastfed, and never took the bottle (no matter how many times we tried). She does take wa...