Formula: Toddler, Nuby

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34 answers

Off the Formula???

I have an 11-month old who is already past his stage 3 baby food and is onto eatng what we eat, (with some exceptions). He is almost completely off the bottle and onto the sippy cup but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to when I can take him off formula. He does not often get juice and when he does its diluted. He will give him a sippy cup with just water and he drinks it just like it were the formula. I do put a bottle of just water in his crib at night in case he wakes up and hes thirsty or if he wakes up before us (as...


Not a Formula Baby

I have a friend who has begun chemo and has a 4 month old son at home. With...


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11 answers

15 Month Old Outsmarting the Weaning Process!!

Hello Moms! I am hoping you can help me out. I am still nursing my 15 mo. old and I am ready to start weaning. Currently, she nurses 3X/day...mostly interested before she takes a nap or goes to bed at night. From time to time I have had to supplement with formula and she has taken these bottles with no problems. I was pumping every day so she'd have a feeding at daycare. However, in an effort to wean, I stopped pumping and have decided to just give her formula. Now all the sudden she won't take it!! We have tried different temps,...


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19 answers

How Can I Get My 10 Month Old Breastfed Son to Start Taking Formula?

My son is soooo dependent on me. He wants to nurse every chance he gets (like 5 or 6 times a day). I thought by now, he should only be nursing 2 or 3 times a day. I am not going to be breastfeeding him after he turns 12 months and I would like to begin weaning him now (he'll be 1 yr on March 6th). I Thought maybe giving him formula during the day and only nursing first thing in am and right before bed would be a start. But I tried free samples of Enfamil we received in the mail in his cup since he's completely off the bottle, but he wouldn...