Lactose-Free: Playtex

Results 71-80 from 156 articles


S.S. asks from Davenport

My month old doesnt like to take a nap in the day time at all. A couple of times hes been up all day 7:00am to 7:00pm.yeah I know!I thought newborns were suppose to s...


15 Month Old Outsmarting the Weaning Process!!

D.Z. asks from Cleveland

Hello Moms! I am hoping you can help me out. I am still nursing my 15 mo. old and I am ready to start weaning. Currently, she nurses 3X/day...mostly interested bef...


Colic Baby

B.W. asks from Mansfield

I have a month old baby boy and am dealing with colic! My other 2 kids did not have this so this is all new to me. Help! I've tried to calm him down by running the ...


Advice Needed PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

K.B. asks from Chicago

I have a few concerns that I would love some advice on... My son Grant will be six months old on April 1st. He was on breastmilk for the first four months and then ...


New Mom Needs Help with Fussy 3 Week Old :/

C.H. asks from Seattle

my daughter is 3 weeks old and has been really fussy latley. when im trying to feed her [formula] she starts to eat and then becomes extreamly fussy and arches her ba...


Opinions Wanted for First Time Mom!

A.A. asks from Las Vegas

ok... sooo ever sense my baby was about 3 weeks old he cried alot..when I told my doctor she thought he had colic and put him on a hyperalergenic formula.. I started ...


How to Get Rid of GAS in an Infant

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

Does anyone have an ideas how to get rid of GAS? My daughter is only 1 month old, and has gas so bad, that she cries after she eats. I've tried rubbing her stomach, m...


Introducing Milk to My 1 Year Old

N.S. asks from San Francisco

We just started introducing milk to my 1 year old. We have been mixing it with his formula. But lately he seems sooo fussy. I dont know if he is teething, has a cold ...


Feeding Problems

C.D. asks from Anchorage

I have been having problems feeding my 3 month old. About 2 weeks ago she started getting so much gas durring feeding(formula...tried to breast feed but it just did n...


6 Week Old???

T.C. asks from Minneapolis

Im wondering if any of you other moms have had a baby that did this. Its kinda hard to explain and my son never acted like this. First of all she seems to be a snacke...