Labor & Delivery: Myself

Results 81-90 from 14,127 articles

2Nd Labor Experience?

J.M. asks from Boston

I am due in 6 weeks and curious what other mamas second labor was like. I realize everyone's experiences are very different but I'd love any tips. I have a 3 year old...


Bringing on Labor to Be Induced or Wait It Out!

J.J. asks from Houston

Anyone have any advice on how to bring on labor! Also should I be induced this week or wait it out! I am full term!


"Sunny Side Up" Labor and Deliveries?

V.K. asks from Minneapolis

I am 33 weeks, 3cm dilated, and fully effaced. Baby's head is REALLY low. During my ultrasound on Monday, we found the baby to be "sunny side up". I've heard that...


MIL Wants to Be in the Delivery Room

C.M. asks from Chicago

My MIL was in the delivery room for all her grandkids so far--my husband's first wife, and my SIL's first child. She will probably be in the delivery room for my SIL'...


Song Recommendations for Labor Playlist

L.C. asks from Los Angeles

I'm putting together an ipod song playlist for when I'm in labor in the hospital. I would love to get some music suggestions for mellow, relaxing music while in labo...


Suggestions for 'Natural' Labor Induction

L.S. asks from Chicago

Hello Ladies, I have a friend who is a week overdue and is being told that if she doesn't got into labor soon on her own, then they will induce her, etc... But, she's...


Idea to Kickstart Labor

S.H. asks from Madison

My sister in law is looking for tips on kick starting her labor. She's due this week. Any ideas? Why worked for you?


Wanting to Do Natural Labor....

K.W. asks from Fort Wayne

Hello everyone, I wanted to do labor naturally with my daughter, but after 17 hours of hard labor chose to get the epidural (which I really wish that I hadn...


Husband Does Not Want to Be in Delivery Room

S.J. asks from St. Louis

I am pregnant with my hubby's first. My hubby gets very faint and ill at the sight of blood. He has stated to me that he wishes to not be in the delivery room when ...


Would You Have Your Child in the Delivery Room?

N.P. asks from Mobile

My OB asked if I would like my child(19mo) in the delivery room. I had never thought about it. I don't want him to see me pushing and all the glorious things I will b...