Kids & Money: Myself, Graco

Results 41-50 from 562 articles

Are High Chairs a Necessity?

J.C. asks from Corpus Christi

I'm currently in the process of registering for our little girl. I found a graco 4-1 highchair, but it seems to be awful pricey compared to others on the market...$18...


What Infant Car Seat Should I Invest In?

S.C. asks from Nashville

I am expecting our second daughter in November. I want a good quality car seat and I know Britax are good ones but I really do not want to spend that kind of money on...


Double Stroller or Not?

A.D. asks from Minneapolis

I'm pregnant with my second child and my first daughter will be 2 years and 2 months old when her brother/sister arrives. I'm wondering if it's worth it to buy a doub...


Booster Seat Advice

L.B. asks from Tampa

I am getting ready to buy a booster seat for my 4 1/2 year old. I think I've narrowed it down to the Graco Turbo Booster which runs about $50 and the Britax Parkway ...


When to Move Child Out of a Ocnvertible Seat into a Booster

R.C. asks from Minneapolis

Hi, We need to buy two more car seats for my husbands truck now that we are putting our girls in daycare and he will be the one picking them up everyday. Our olde...


Best Umbrella Stroller for Travel?

A.W. asks from Los Angeles

Hi ladies, Our family is taking a trip to Cancun in April, and I'm looking for a good lightweight umbrella stroller to travel with. We currently use a heavy Grac...


Car Seat Suggestions for 9 Month Old

J.B. asks from Saginaw

My 9 month is outgrowing the clip in car seat carrier with the bases. I currently have a Chicco. He now weighs 22 lbs and our carrier only goes to 22lbs. We have res...


Coinvertible Car Seat Recommendations?

L.T. asks from New York

Hi, my 10-month-old son is about to outgrow his infant car seat (he's too tall for it). So we're starting to look into convertible seats. We'll need to buy two - my h...


Do You Have Children and Love Your Car? Please Tell!

J.S. asks from Atlanta

Hi Moms, Just got the news that my car is totaled. Guess that is good and bad at the same time. I have owned Hondas (a civic, then the oddysey) for 10 years. Now ...


Car Seat Advice

L.Q. asks from Chicago

I am looking to get a new car seat for my 6 month old. He is a bigger baby and close to outgrowing the infant seat (and it's a pain to lug around). I've been look...