Home Remedies: Infant, Nutramigen

Results 71-80 from 186 articles

Colic Advice

J.M. asks from Reno

My beautiful baby boy has colic and I seem to be friends with women who's babies don't cry (yeah right). Basically I am just looking for a kindred spirit that I can c...


Moms Who Had Colicky Babies...

M.R. asks from Chicago

I need to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. How long did your baby's colicky period last? My baby is 6 weeks old, has his happy days and his unha...


Three-month-old Gas Problem

N.T. asks from Los Angeles

My husband and I accepted custody of an 11 week old baby boy last week through the Fos-Adopt program. We are first-time parents and he is such a sweet little one. He ...


Help with Premature Thelarce, Soy Formula and Dairy Intolerance

H.D. asks from Chicago

My daughter just had her six month appointment yesterday and was diagnosed with Premature Thelarche (she is starting to grow breasts but is not exhibiting other signs...


BAD Colic, Nutrimigen?-Dr.Brown's Bottles?

B.H. asks from Minneapolis

My baby(2mos.) has horrible horrible colic(gas) doctor changed formula today from Simlac Sensitive to Enfamil Nutrimigen...(my breast milk also upset her stomach so s...


Terribly Gassy 3 Week Old. Need Advice on Formula.

K.G. asks from Los Angeles

Hi mommys. I am a brand new mommy of a beautiful three week old little girl. Being a first time mom things are a little stressful and totally new. We were struggli...


How Did You Survive Through the Colic?

M.R. asks from Chicago

Please note: This is NOT a request for how to calm colic or to debate whether or not colic really exists. Again...please, no suggestions to go to the chiropractor, ...


In Need of Suggestions

J.P. asks from Lynchburg

My 4 month old son has a terrible time using the bathroom. I have given him Karo syrup in bottles, tried watered down juices, and nothing seems to work. Just wonderin...


Sleep Deprived Mom

L.S. asks from Eugene

My son won't sleep. He takes a bottle then needs to be upright for about 45mins because of reflux then he falls asleep a half hour or hour before he eats again and t...


Excessive Spit Up

D.S. asks from Bloomington

My 4 month old son spits up all day long, every day. He will spit up hours after he eats and the smell is like vomit. His doctor said he has reflux and prescribed h...