Home Remedies: Infant, Nutramigen

Results 61-70 from 186 articles

Tummy Troubles with 5 Month Old

S.O. asks from Cincinnati

My daughter is almost 5 months old and is breastfeeding exclusively. She has had problems with stomach pains and gas since she was about 3 weeks old. We give her ge...


Acid Reflux or Just His Personality? How Can We Get Some Sleep?!

C.S. asks from Dallas

Hi everyone, this is my first time on mamasource! I am the proud mama of a beautiful 7 week old baby boy...with bad acid reflux. He is on baby prilosec but he is s...


Mastitis Problems & So Much Guilt Attached to Formula Feeding

R.W. asks from Gainesville

I have a 2 week old wonderful little baby. This is my second child and my second go around with mastitis.I developed mastitis with my first born as well as multiple n...


Acid Reflux

H.C. asks from Melbourne

My three month old was born with acid reflux that the pediatrician has prescribed Zantac to "prevent" spells of the choking and vomit, but it has only limited their n...


Seeking Help for Colicy Newborn

D.W. asks from Washington DC

My daughter just recently had a baby boy; he was one month old last Wednesday. He has become very fussy and crying between the hours of 7 - 10 pm. everynight. Being...



C.J. asks from Dallas

anyone know of any remedies that are safe or any RX drugs I can ask about for cholic. Sadly my son seems to have developed it at only 10 days old. It's young to have ...



C.J. asks from Los Angeles

Ever since our 9month old was four weeks old she had TERRIBLE colic. She was diagnosed with a severe case of acid reflux. She's been on Zantac, Reglan, Maalox, and no...


Acid Reflux in Infants

J.P. asks from Chicago

My sister has a 4 week old who seems to have acid reflux. Her dr hasn't been really helpful with suggestions for her, and she's both worried about it and frustrated ...



M.L. asks from Washington DC

does anyone have any suggestions on how to calm a colic baby. she is only cranky and fussy during the day, she seems like she wants to eat but she wont eat, sleep, p...


Spitting Up

K.G. asks from Pocatello

Hi Moms! My son is just over 2 months old and he spits up soooo much! He is healthy... it doesn't seem to bother him that he spits up and he's gaining weight like cra...