Highschool: Water Toys

29 articles

Birthday Party and Potty Training Help

K.S. asks from Las Vegas

My Son will be 3 in a couple fo days and he is potty trained. he is trained in the sense that he doesn't mess in his pants. if I tell him to go potty he will go in th...


Packing and Road Trip

L.F. asks from New York

My family and I are taking a road trip to a beach house this summer. Traveling with a six and one year old. I tend to overpack but haven't traveled for a week with a...


Taking a Shower

L.W. asks from Boston

I have a ten month old boy who is very active and walking. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can manage to shower while being home alone and keep him safe...


Not So Great Summer So Far.

R. asks from San Antonio

Okay, we have had a pretty rough start to summer so far (stay in hospital followed by stomach virus, etc). So now everyone seems healthy (knock on wood) but I have no...


Down Time for SAHM

T.J. asks from Washington DC

I am a stay at home mom to a wonderfully active 21 month old son. My husband tells me that my time to relax is during the day while he is at work and I am home with m...


Vacationing and Traveling with a Toddler --Advice and Opinions?

H.A. asks from Spokane

Hello Ladies! I was wondering if I could get some of your experienced opinions! We are planning our first "vacation" (not visiting family, just us away for a fu...


Fear of Swimming? and How to Approach It?

R.H. asks from Los Angeles

A friend of ours gives our 4 yr old son private swim lessons, and we can get him in the water, and he might kick a little and even blow a few bubbles, but beyond that...


Goody Bags

S.S. asks from Chicago

When do you stop with the goody bags after a birthday party?? My daughter is having her 10th birthday party at a pizza place and is inviting 12 girls (yikes!) and I ...


Inexpensive 2 Yr Old Birthday Party Ideas WANTED

E.C. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter will turn 2 in April and I am looking for inexpensive party ideas. At this age you also have to entertain not only the kids, but the adults and it starts...