First Aid Products: Saline Drops

Results 1-10 from 17 articles

How to Care for a 9 Month Old with First Cold???

T.W. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter got her first cold :( She has the sniffles. Other than baby tylenol, anyone have suggestions to help her feel and breathe better?


First Cold for 9 Month Old! Ugh!

H.B. asks from Phoenix

My 9 month old daughter just came down with her first cold (stuffy/ runny nose, cough, sneezing, raspy throat, and mild fever) and its been a not so good day for us. ...


Do You Trust Pharmacists?

M.B. asks from Tampa

I sent my husband to the store to get some saline drops for my baby. She has a cold and is miserable. While there he asked the pharmacist if there was anything he cou...


What Could Be Causing 10-Month Old to Have Congestion/runny Nose So Often?

D.B. asks from Dallas

My almost 10 month old son has yet ANOTHER round of congestion/runny nose. I would say about 60-70% of the time since he was born he's had this congestion/runny nose ...


What Is the Best or Effective Nasal Spray for Children?

M.P. asks from Scranton

Hello ladies - I was wondering what experience anyone has had with nasal sprays. My 10 - year old son is deficient in IgA antibodies(prone to alot of sinus problems),...


My Son Seem's to Always Be Congested!!

K.H. asks from New York

I honestly feel like our son has had a cold/cold on his chest since last September!! I have brought him to the dr numerous times, his chest and lungs are fine, each ...


4 Month Old with a Cold

A.C. asks from Allentown

My 2 year has only had 2 colds in his life. His first one wasn't until he was 1 year old. So now that my 4 month old has a cold I am not experienced at dealing with...


Son Has a Very Congested Nose - How Can I Clear It Out?

L.S. asks from Sacramento

I have a 5-1/2 month old son who's as healthy as can be, but these past few days he's been nasally congested. I've tried over and over again to clear his nose out wit...


How to deal with mucus congestion with newborn?

A.M. asks from Montgomery

My 7 week old has a lot of mucus and sometimes she vomits it and chokes on it. I am terrified to put her in her own bed in case this happens. Our pediatrician has b...



M.O. asks from New York

Hi! I'm having my 1st baby in February and before I even start on a baby registry I wanted to ask experienced moms out there, as far as health and safety for newborn...