Fever: Toddler, Aveeno

Results 11-20 from 308 articles

Itchy Rash in 18 Month Old

A.K. asks from Minneapolis

My 18 month old had little bumps all over her belly and back, not red or anything. After a week I was going to make an appointment but then she got an ear infection s...


((( Chicken Pox..18 Month Old ))))

J.S. asks from Bellingham

my daughter is 18 months old...this morning she had no signs of chicken pox, no bumps...now about 6 hours later, the bumps came soo fast...who could she catch it from...


Fever During Chicken Pox

V.R. asks from Washington DC

Dear Mamas, Wish you all a merry Christmas and happy holidays and a happy new year. My son has been having chicken pox since Friday ( 23rd Dec). He had dry coughs...


Strange Rash with Fever

A.R. asks from Boston

Hi Ladies, I am hoping to get some feedback from some of you, My daughter broke out on sunday with her cheeks looking brite red, by monday afternoon she had a temp of...


Advice on Fever Blisters

M.D. asks from Tulsa

My 6 yr old is constantly getting fever blisters. He has since he was little. We just let them run their course. I talked to the doctor about them and was told tha...


Major Sleep Problems with 15 Month Old - Looking for help....any Help.

J.L. asks from Savannah

Where to begin? I have never been good with the sleep thing. My son is 15 months old and for about the first year I nursed/rocked/walked him to sleep. I remember ...


15 Month Old with Very Dry Skin

T. asks from Birmingham

Hi Ladies, just wondering if any of you have experience with caring for a baby's very dry skin. I bathe him with dove senstive bar soap and I usually use aquaphor hea...


Amoxicillin Rash in 19 Month Old

A.S. asks from Kansas City

My son was taking Amoxicillin for an ear infection. He was almost done with the prescription when on Friday he woke up with a rash that progressively got worse throug...


13 Month Old with Rash on Leg??

B.L. asks from Seattle

Hi mamas, my son is 13 months old and I noticed yesterday he has a rash on the outside of his left leg. It looked like dry skin so I put his lotion on him (California...


My 15 Month Old Baby Has Eczema

J.S. asks from Los Angeles

At the age of 9 months old my daughter was found to have severe Eczema or also atopic Dermatitis. I was give Atopiclair to use on her out breaks. She gets out breaks...