Feeding Accessories: The First Years

Results 11-20 from 63 articles


C.S. asks from Pittsburgh

Hello Moms!! I am seeking advice on a couple of things. I have a 2 1/2 year old son and I am expecting my second around the first of April. I breastfed my first so...


Sippy Cups

A.L. asks from Clarksville

I have a 6 month old baby girl. I know about this age introducing sippy cups is good. But which one is the best, when she was born I breastfed her. After she learned ...


To Share a Bed, or Not

H.S. asks from San Diego

I have a lot of concerns about the sleeping situation when our baby is born in March. I needs some advice from experienced moms. I would love to have my baby sleep wi...


Trying to Get a Newborn Back in Her Bed.

K.P. asks from St. Louis

I have an almost 4 month old breastfed baby girl who is sleeping with us in our bed. This started when I went back to work and because I was tired in the middle of t...


Chosing a Bottle for a Breastfed Baby

K.P. asks from Fayetteville

Hi moms! I'm expecting my second child and there will be a 5 1/2 years age difference between the two. With my son, I breastfed him and used bottles when I went back ...


Questions Regardin an Unplanned C-section...

W.A. asks from Honolulu

Hi all, I just found out last week that my baby is in a breech postion and I will be having a C-section. I am very freaked out by it and down right scared. I planned ...


What Baby Items Can You Not Live Without?

S.J. asks from St. Louis

I am getting ready to register for my baby shower, and I want to hear from recent new moms as to what you have found to be extrememly helpful and things you couldn't ...


Suggestions for Baby Registery

A.T. asks from Fort Wayne

It has been a long time since we've had a baby in the house, we already have the crib and other "major" items, but I wanted to hear from you mom's if there is anythin...


Breastfeeding Advice

S.H. asks from Louisville

So I'm 6 1/2 months pregnant with a baby girl and I plan on trying to exclusively breastfeed her at least for the first couple of months. I was wondering what are the...


What to Do with a 8-Month Old? Crying to Be Held All the Time?

G.L. asks from San Francisco

Hi fellow moms, My 2nd son is turning 8 month today and I'm seeking help in what to do with him. I've been staying at home since I was pregnant with him. My ...