Family Pets: Toddler, Ergo

Results 31-40 from 189 articles

Toddler Leash??

J.R. asks from Dallas

I have recently considered getting my son a toddler harness. He has always hated sitting in the grocery cart, even with an expensive padded cart cover. So my choices ...


My 2 Year Old HATES the Stroller and I'd like to Get a Walk in Daily. . .

H.E. asks from Minneapolis

Any ideas? I know just let him cry will come up but he has nerve involvement on his tongue and soft palette and can choke if he gets too worked up so that's not real...


Toddler Carrier Hiking Backpack

R.B. asks from Los Angeles

I have been hiking with my little girl since she was born, first in a Moby Wrap and now in the Ergo. At 22 months, she's getting close to the weight limit of 35 poun...


Toddler Carriers for Hiking?

C.V. asks from Milwaukee

I'm looking for anyone who has had carriers that they've loved or hated. We're going on vacation up north in about 4 weeks and my husband wants to get something that...


Baby Carriers or Slings?

C.G. asks from Chicago

Any advice on baby carriers for newborns and beyond six months? Feedback on pros/cons on brands like the ERGO, Baby Bjorn, Beco and Infantino backpack carrier would b...


What Is Your Favorite Baby Carrier?

C.S. asks from Medford

I'm pregnant with my 3rd baby and used several different slings and a baby bjorn with my first two. The slings were good for sitting and working on my computer (and b...


Toddler Wrist "Leash" Recommendations Please?

S.Y. asks from Pittsburgh

Yesterday my 2.5 year old dd got lost at a department store. They had to close everything down for a "Code Adam". I was completely hysterical. Thing is, my dd has aud...


Which baby carrier is best for me?

C.S. asks from Boston

I am having my 3rd child in a couple of months and am wondering if I should get a new baby carrier. With my other two kids I used the Bjorn for occasional outings bu...


Entertaining Toddler While Trying to Cook

J.M. asks from Denver

I have a 14 month old DS. He recently gave up his afternoon nap, and so now only takes 1 - 1 1/2 hr nap usually starting at 11:30 or so. Then he is up for the rest ...


Napping and Sleeping Arrangements When You Have a Baby and a Toddler

L.W. asks from Houston

Hi Moms, I plan on starting to have baby #2. I have a two year old right now. And I was wondering, how do you work in a nap for your baby when you have a toddler??...