Family Pets: Toddler, Aquaphor

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158 answers

21 Month Son Has Dry Patches/small Bumps on Skin

My son was born with tiny bumps on the back of his arms (like mommy). Now, his back is so dry and after bath, the skin on his back turns very red. I use johnson & johnson head to toe soap-free wash and use A LOT of lotion to sooth his dry patches on back. The doctor told me it was excema on his arms so we reguarly use cream for that too. He does not scratch or act bothered but the redness after a bath and the dryness concerns me. Any ideas?

Pets with Children

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16 answers

Dog Allergies in Small Child

My almost 5-year-old son is allergic to my 12-year old dog. In the winter months, he has a lot of trouble with chronic sinusitus and I'm sure it's from the dog allergy. We take him to a allergy specialist; he's on daily allergy medicine and a nose spray and frequently on antibiotics. As long as he's on an antibiotic, he's perfect, but as soon as he goes off them, he immediately starts feeling bad again. Cough, sore through from drainage, sore/tender cheeks where his sinus cavaities are. The doctor says that when he's older his sinuses...