Dental: Miralax

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39 answers

Toddler Constipation -- Help!

Hi there, Thanks in advance for any personal experience you can share. Our little girl is 1 1/2 years old and has awful constipation. We've been trying to treat it for months, but it's not gotten much better and it's to the point where she always holds her poops and cries, "NOOOOO!, NOOOOO!" when she has to go. It's breaking my heart to see her suffer, I feel so helpless, and I know it is something we have to get under control before potty training time. Months ago we cut out all rice, bananas, apples, carrots, and potatoes from her...


Juice Pros and Cons

My doctor says no juice (for my almost 12-month old) due to sugar and the...


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28 answers

Advice on Constipation

My almost one year old has severe constipation and gas. I give him Mylicon and Dr. has given Miralax. It seems like I have to give him Mirilax every few weeks. Has anyone had constant problems like this? What do you do?