Dental: Infant, Aveeno

16 articles

Preggo Questions....

S.Y. asks from Tampa

Hi moms! I just found out I am 5 wks preggo...very excided!!!!!!! I just wanted to see what some of you thought of a couple of things. First Coffee, I like to drink o...


Pacifier Rash

J.P. asks from Cedar Rapids

My 2 YO daughter has developed a rash around her mouth - it's been about 6 weeks or so I would say. I think it is from her pacifier, but it seems to get better, only...


Suggestions for Eczema Problem

T.M. asks from New York

Hello, My 3year old daughter has Eczema on the top of her hands. Some days are worse than others. Right now I'm using regular fragrance free hand creams. I'm afr...


Red & Split Lips Are Painful Looking on Toddler

N.M. asks from Cleveland

I am looking for advise for my 1-1/2 yr old son. About every month he gets these red spots on his lips and then they crack & open and are so painful looking. I am won...


2 Year Old Still on the Bottle

S.M. asks from Sacramento

Does anyone have any suggestions of how to get my 2 year old off of the bottle? He is still on formula as well, we are trying to get him on other foods but he has a v...


My Child Just Won't Eat.

K.O. asks from Grand Forks

As a mother of 3, this only makes most days harder. My middle child who will turn 3 in August, is a horrible eater. I'm not talking picky, he just dosen't like to eat...