Costumes & Make Believe: Toddler, South Beach

Results 21-30 from 450 articles

Can My Son Be Diagnosed with ADD/ADHD at the Age of 4

B.D. asks from Augusta

I have a 4 year old son who cant sit still. The only time he is somewhat quiet is when he is into his video games. The only time he is completely quiet is when he is ...


9-Year Old Son Is Becoming Overweight

K.W. asks from Eugene

Hi all. I have a 9-year old son, our youngest. He's always been a big kid- he's about 4'8" and (don't have a scale at home) probably around 100, 110 lbs. He's been ...


Seeking Weight Loss Advice

B.L. asks from Houston

I would really like to lose about 40 pounds. After having a miscarriage and two babies over the past four years, I've put on these extra pounds, and they're making m...


How Can I Add More Protein to My 4 1/2 Year Olds Diet?

A.P. asks from Austin

If it was up to my son, he'd live on bread, cereal, trail mix and PB&J. I've noticed that his behavior and overall attitude is calmer and much improved if he has more...


How to Lose My Weight After My Second Child

M.R. asks from Phoenix

Hello i I'm at a loss on where to start on losing my baby weight. I just had my second child six weeks ago, and I have never really exercised or dieted. I weigh aroun...


Tampa or Destin Florida and Where to Stay? UPDATE

T.F. asks from Dallas

We are planning a trip to FL soon. I'd like to find a nice condo on the beach. I am going though site after site online. I found some nice looking places in Tampa ...


Jenny Craig Vs. NutriSystem

L.B. asks from Dallas

Hello Everyone! So my daughter is almost 2 years old and I am ready to start getting serious about losing some of the weight I've gained since having her. A little l...


Reccomendations for Safe Weight Loss Pills.

L.H. asks from Albuquerque

Hello Mamas! I am getting frustrated here!! I really need to shed 10-15 pounds and I'd love some advice from you mom's. I've been doing the South Beach Diet and ch...


Working Out After the Baby.... When Did You Start What Did You Do?

J.A. asks from St. Louis

When did you start working out after your baby? Did it make a difference if it was baby #1 or baby #2? I lost all my weight with my first, but while I have gained...


Constipation Relief in a 2 Year Old

D.R. asks from Nashville

My almost 2-1/2 year old daughter is constipated for the first time ever. She cries really bad when she's about to have a BM and tries to hold it in. This just starte...