Corn Starch: Toddler, Aveeno

Results 21-30 from 224 articles

Diaper Rash

T.R. asks from Reading

Good Morning Ladies - I'm hoping you may have some suggestions for me. I have a 7 month old girl who has a really bad case of diaper rash. I've done everything - ...


Diaper Rash

J. asks from Dallas

My daughter just got this horrible rash on her "area" and we haven't been able to get rid of it. Its just red on the outside and was red on her bottom but that has cl...


Diaper Rash

M.E. asks from Miami

my babyboy has his first BAD diaper rash... when we wipe his butt, he cries and he is in definate pain and disconfort. we are using Disatin but he appears to be in p...


Diaper Rash

J.Y. asks from Chicago

Our son is only 6 days old but has horrible red, almost blistering diaper rash. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to help it heal? I change him as often as of...


Diaper Rash

C.G. asks from Cincinnati

My 2 month old son is experiencing diaper rash that just won't go away. I've been using A&D which worked well with my daughter, but it doesn't seem to be helping. I...


Diaper Rash

A.P. asks from Pensacola

Help! My daughter has had a very bad diaper rash for 5 days now. I started by using Balmex creamy. Which I have used before and it worked but after 2 days it seemed w...


Diaper Rash

B.F. asks from Toledo

Hello! My almost 2 year old has had a terrible rash… today is day 13. This started with a runny-mucus-y # 2 which lasted about 9 days. (Nurse declared type of vir...


Diaper Rash

K.W. asks from Dallas

my 2yr old daughter has been sick for the entire month of october with a virus and ear infections and now she has a horrible diaper rash that desitin isnt...


Diaper Rash

R.R. asks from New York

My four month old daughter recently started getting diaper rash, a little redness and a few bumps, nothing i havent seen before.At first it would clear up with zinc o...


Diaper Rash

K.S. asks from Nashville

My 8 month old son has a diaper rash that started out in his diaper area but has spread out to the first folds on his legs. They look like little dots and some are r...