Colic: Toddler, Zyrtec

34 articles

Spitting Up

T.T. asks from Davenport

hi moms! just a quick question. i have a 4wk old little boy who i am nursing. my problem is he spits up alot after almost every feeding. he seems to be content and ea...


Help with Excema!

B.R. asks from Lubbock

My 5 month old has a pretty bad case of excema...she had an outbreak like this at 2 months also. My Pedi. said it is environmental and she will grow out of it. I do...


On Going Ear Infection

B.D. asks from San Francisco

My 9 month old has had an ear infection for almost 1 month now. We first went in and was given amoxicilan, took that for a week and went back and there was still an i...


At a Loss and Need Advice!!

K.O. asks from Minneapolis

I'm at a loss with my DS who's 8 1/2 months old and I'll try to make this brief yet descriptive. When he was about 4 months old he started to have signs of eczema - w...