Career: Tween, Teddy Bears

Results 21-30 from 31 articles

She Felt Sorry for a Stuffed Animal at 6?

J.M. asks from Philadelphia

OK maybe its because I had no imagination but my 6 year old seems to take the cake on imaginative ability. Apparently a year ago her my boyfriend (fiancee---this c...


Ideas for Eye Patches/glasses for Children!!!

C.E. asks from New York

My nephew is 19 months old and we started noticing that his left eye seems to be turning in a bit. My sister took him to a pediatric ophthalmologist and the doctor fo...


Wondering If Son Is Allergic:(

N.F. asks from Grand Rapids

My son is 15 months old and since he was born I have been going back and forth between Huggies diapers and Pampers. Really what ever is on sale and if neither I woul...


I Don't like Disney. Am I Alone in This?

C.V. asks from Columbia

The mention of Mickey in a previous question got me thinking... I've never really been a fan of the Disney corporation. I have enjoyed some of their movies (latel...


How Big Is Too Big

M. asks from Houston

My mother says I'm being mean so I thought I would ask. When is a little one too big or too old to be sleeping on mamma? My mother insist that her kids (4 of us) sl...


Need Suggestions to Help Get Son to Sleep in His Crib.

T.L. asks from Dallas

My son who is almost 5 weeks old has slept in bed with me and my husband since we brought him home. At his one month check-up his doctor said now is the time to get h...


Deal with Small Eczema Patch on Face

M.I. asks from Norfolk

Hi Ladies, My 7 month old son has a small patch of eczema on his left cheek that won't go away. I called it his drool patch but he really doesn't drool on it anymor...


The Last of the Bottles

D.C. asks from Portland

Ok, so I am going to take away the night time bottles from twin boys on Thanksgiving weekend. I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions of what I could do to ma...


Help with Sleeping Through the Night Please

J.W. asks from Medford

I have a 15 month old & a 3 year old that share a room. My 3 year old is in a toddler bed & can get out. My 3 year old will wake about 2 times a night & will need me...


At What Age Did Your Chld Start Going to the Movie Theater?

R.G. asks from Dallas

My daughter is 2.5 and she loves to watch movies and is hooked on Toy Story right now. I'm debating taking her to see the new one but I'm not sure if the excitement ...