Car & Insurance: Preschooler

Results 61-70 from 156 articles

16 Year Old Son Wants Car

R.G. asks from San Francisco

my son wants his car. he is 16 and is desperate to get it. I think he should have to wait another year. I want him to be 17 when he gets his car. In the mean time,...


Wanting Another Baby & My Husband Says No Way

H.P. asks from Orlando

Hello! I need some advice on how to move past this. We have 2 little boys, 3 years old & 18 mos. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want another baby. I am not trying for a ...


HELP! I Need Objective Opinions Here!

C.D. asks from Columbia

My daughter is 18 and lives at home. She has recently jumped on the entitlement bandwagon and feels like I owe her everything and she should not have to work for anyt...


Switching Responsibility?

C.T. asks from Phoenix

IF you have done this, I want to hear from you. IF NOT, then don't bother, move on to another question please. I am not trying to exclude you. But I really want to ...


About to Be a SAHM Need Budget Advice...

J.D. asks from Dallas

We are going down to one income. I am trying to find ways to either save money or get the most for my dollar. I have found several things that have been useful: ...


Babysitter Doesn't Drive

A.S. asks from Chicago

One of the sitters we starting using doesn't have a car and lives a few miles away. I didn't realize she doesn't drive until after I booked her for the first time. ...


My Experience with Mamapedia

A.B. asks from St. Louis

Hello all, This was my first time on mamapedia. I thought it was a great idea. Moms can semi discreetly get it out in the open and talk to other moms who may have h...


Grandparent Babysitting

D.S. asks from New York

I have a question to ask and I don't know if any one else feels this way or am I being selfish. I'm a grandmother to several wonderful grandchildren and I love them w...


Soon to Be Adult Daughter Needs to Grow Up

V.M. asks from New York

I need help coming up with a way to explain to my daughter who will be 21 in a few days, that it is time for her to grow up. She is unemployed and while she says she...


Mom to Be Needs Encouragement :-(

L.S. asks from Detroit

My husband and I got married last December, everything was great, we both had pretty good jobs, enough money in the bank etc... March 21st, I found out I was preganan...