By Stain Type: Triple Paste

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67 answers

Severe Diaper Rash/Yeast Infection in Toddler That Won't Go Away!

Hi everyone, This request is my desperate attempt to find some help! My 19-month-old daughter has had a constant diaper rash of varying degrees since we switched her to whole milk just before she turned one. First it was just an eczema spot or two on her bottom. Then we switched to soy milk. No change. Then we switched to sweet acidphilous and still no change. She loves milk, so we've just dealt with it. But still the rash worsens and worsens. She was on Nestle Good Start formula until age one with no apparrent milk allergy, by...


Good Gift for Twins?

My brother in law and his wife are having boy/girl twins. I want to give...


SEVERE Diaper Rash!

My 17 month old daughter never really had diaper rash until about month ago...


INK Stain Removal?

Can you please tell me what I can use to remove a ink stain from my husbands...