Budget: South Beach

Results 31-40 from 60 articles

Weight Loss Pills That Have Worled for Other Mamas?

J.C. asks from Hartford

I am 22 yrs. old, and ABOUT 180 lbs at 5'9". I was 144 before my son was born, and 125 about a yr. before that. I am looking to get down to at least 135 lbs. All my w...


Have to Loose 35# Nothing Has Helped Yet....

J.L. asks from Dallas

I know you all have heard this a million times but I need help... Im 26 5ft tall and weigh 145# my younget is 11 months old today. For my height I am obese all of my...


Seeking Good, Affordable Vacation Destinations

S.B. asks from Chicago

My husband and I are looking to take mini vacation this summer. We will be leaving our kids at home. Does anyone have suggestions for fun, affordable vacation spots?


Weight Loss Issue

M.L. asks from Dallas

Ok Mama's I need some help on loosing weight. I'm about 5'8 250-260lbs and I HATE it. I have two kids, so that doesn't help much. I would like to get down to 175lbs ...


A Day off and Nothing to Do

A.S. asks from Dallas

I have been a mom with a full time job for 3 years now. I'm also a part time student so any time I have off I spend with my kids as much as possible but I've been do...


Seeking Info on Vacationing in Hilton Head SC

L.M. asks from Atlanta

First time travelers to the HH area - 2 adults/1 4 year old. Would like any tips on good places to stay. Want to be close to the beach although we will have our own...


Where to Find Gluten Free Flours?

E.B. asks from Denver

My dd has to go gluten-free for several months (not celiac, but autoimmune and other medical issues that the dr feels might respond to gluten-free). I went to Whole ...


Did You Make Any Drastic Changes to Your Family's Diet and If So, Did It Work?

R.S. asks from Chicago

Over the last couple of years I have been reading about various ways of eating...gluten free, Paleo, etc. nobody in our family (that I know of) has any sensitivities ...


Has Anyone Tried SlimQuick?

S.P. asks from Chicago

I don't really believe in diet pills, we all know how we are "supposed" to loose weight, if only it were that easy! Just wondering if anyone has tried SlimQuick and i...


What Do I Do with All This Celery??!!!

B.. asks from Dallas

We got FOUR B. bunches of celery in our co-op basket today. Not celery fans over here...yuck!. My son won't even eat sunbutter on it, even he hates the stuff. Is the...