Budget: Arms Reach

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47 answers

Is My 1-Year-old Ready for a Toddler Bed???

Hey Mamas! I know that question sounds crazy, but I'm in a bit of a situation... When we were gathering together everything we needed for our little girl's nursery, the crib we had registered for went on backorder. Some good friends of our's graciously offered us the furniture their daughter was sleeping in (which is beautiful!) so we could have our dream nursery for our first child. (They pulled out some furniture that was in the attic, and their daughter has been sleeping in that.) So, they just had another baby girl and have told...


3 Yr Old Is Mean

My son turned 3 march 10 and he is sooooo mean. To anyone unless you are...


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6 answers

Out Growing Arms Reach Co-sleeper, What Now?

Our daughter is now 6 months and has been sleeping in an Arms Reach co-sleeper since birth and has always started out the night there except the first few weeks. She currently goes to bed in the co-sleeper at 7pm and is out relatively quickly unless she is having a bad teeth night or got over tired due to missing a nap during the day. I recently figured out how to nurse in bed on my side (about time!) and she wakes at about 4am to nurse and I have been bringing her into bed and feeding her and then she sleeps the rest of the night in bed...