Breastfeeding: Preschooler

Results 51-60 from 6,338 articles

Nursing Bras

M.H. asks from Provo

Hello I am 32 weeks pregnant and was just wondering when should I buy nursing bra's and shirts and how do you know what size to buy for the bra do you go bigger than ...


3 Year Old Regressing After Birth of Infant

J.F. asks from Sacramento

We began potty training our now 3 year old daughter in January and it's taken awhile, but I'd say she is fully trained. Well enter baby brother who has now been in o...


Nursing at Disney

S.G. asks from Rochester

I'm planning on nursing my 3 month old at Disney and wondered if you had any advice. It seems in public I need a boppy in order to nurse successfully. She is very wig...


Zoloft & Nursing

M.B. asks from Austin

Have any of you ever taken Zoloft while nursing? Did you feel it was safe? My doctor said its safe but I was very scared to take it at first. I had a bit of PPD aft...


My 3 Year Old Daughter Suffers from Extreme Eczema.

K.T. asks from Austin

She's had eczema since 3 months. We've tried everything any doctor instructs. Nothing has helped. I'm currently working with a chemist who is trying to formulate a pr...


Breastfeeding Issues

J.W. asks from Philadelphia

My daughter is less than 2 weeks old and I'm struggling this time around with breastfeeding. I also have an almost 4-year old at the house, so trying to divide time ...


4 Year Old and Newborn Sharing a Room?

M.K. asks from Sheboygan

Our second baby is due at the end of September, at which time our daughter will be over 4 years old. She is very excited to be a big sister. We are debating whether...


I Need Help Disciplining My Crazy 3 Year Old

A.S. asks from Salt Lake City

My 3 year old son is driving me insane. He continues to misbehave despite many attempts on my part to discipline him. He is an extremely active boy, always running ...


Does This Seem a Bit Much? (3 Yo with Their Own iPod Touch)

K.U. asks from Detroit

We have a teenage girl in our neighborhood that baby sits a lot of the little ones in the neighborhood, including our 3 yo daughter. She has an iPod Touch and was le...


Atheist Mom Needs Help Explaining Death to a 4 Year Old

C.S. asks from Los Angeles

Are there any other atheist moms out there who have explained death to there children? I have a sensitive 4 year old daughter who has been asking to visit her great-g...