Babyproofing: Benadryl

Results 1-10 from 17 articles

Question for Moms Who Must Carry Medications (Like Benadryl or Epi-pen).

S.B. asks from Los Angeles

My three-year-old son has a couple of food allergies that require us to carry an Epi-Pen and Benadryl with us. I need it to be accessible, so I keep it in my purse o...


Help! My 3 YO Niece Never Sleeps!!!

L.R. asks from Austin

My sister and her two daughters - 3 and 4 live me. The 3 YO doesn't SLEEP! All hours of the morning she's roaming the house! I'm talking 2AM, 4AM, etc. Sometimes ...


Need Advice Re: Toddler Sleep Issues

L.H. asks from Memphis

Hi, My DS, Evan (30 months old) has always been a great sleeper...up to now. He has been known to sleep through anything, and his typical routine was to sleep from 8...


2.4 Year Old Waking in the Middle of the Night

T.B. asks from Nashville

For the past few weeks my dd has been waking in the middle of the night. She can open her door so she opens her door and in seemingly stealth mode comes into our roo...


Would You Recommend Cabin Trip with 14 Month Old?

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

Our friends are planning one in Northern minnesota (4-5 hrs from twin cities, where we live). My son will be the only little one , other kids are 10+ years age group....


Traveling Tips

C.D. asks from Detroit

My family and I are going on a Caribbean cruise next month for a friend's wedding. It's definitely against my better judgement to take a 13-month-old on a cruise but...


Independent Play

C.S. asks from Houston

Any ideas what to do when my 3yr old wakes up earlier than usual and I still need to get ready and shower... He wants to watch a video and I'd rather not have him wat...


3 Year Old Goes to Sleep Easily, but Won't STAY Asleep

B.H. asks from Cincinnati

I woke up in the middle of the night to Dodi knocking on her door. Apparently, she had decided to change her pj's and needed help with the buttons. I put her back to ...


Pregnant and Raising a Toddler

H.1. asks from Des Moines

God help me! I am 7 weeks pregnant with baby #2. I stay home full time with my 18 month old son. He's a handful to say the least! Now, all of my unpleasant symptoms a...